Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Removing washed/dried crayon from your clothing

It was a regular laundry day, didn't expect anything major to come my way...then it happened!!!! I took my clothes out of the washing machine and in to the dryer, mid-way through the transfer, half of a big, red crayon fell to the floor. I thought to myself "Phew, thank God that fell out before I put them all in the dryer"....little did I know the other half was still in my sons pocket.
I have only myself to blame because i'm severely notorious of not checking pockets.
But seeings how half of a big crayon fell out on to the floor, and knowing my kids, they do not own a single INTACT crayon, I figured I was in the "safe-zone".
Boy oh boy how I was wrong!

It came time to get the clothes from the dryer....my heart stopped when I opened the door to find that the ENTIRE load was streaked and covered in RED CRAYON.

I panicked, I freaked, I cursed the inventor of crayola!

Finally after regrouping, I jumped on the internet, found a few different remedies and combined a couple together to see if I could get this pesky red from our load of laundry.
The MOST helpful of sites I came across was from this awesome blogger:

Here's what worked for me-
What you'll need:
-Dawn dish soap(or a heavy degreaser soap)
-a toothbrush
-your regular laundry detergent

-Spot treat the areas on your clothes that have the darkest crayon marks on them. Put dish soap directly on to the darkest spots, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. After your ten minutes has passed, scrub those areas with your toothbrush (or any scrub brush you have available). [I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this, but do not use the same toothbrush you use to brush your teeth with].
-Add your regular laundry detergent, 1/2 cup of vinegar, and I added about 6 tspns of dish soap to your washing machine as it fills with HOT water.
-Fill your washing machine up with the hottest water possible. I did add a pot of boiling water to the machine.

-stop the wash cycle before it begins to shuffle.
-Add your clothes, allow them to soak in the hot water for about 30 minutes.
-Start the washing machine cycle back up....allow it to run a regular cycle!

Check your clothes, MOST if not all the stains should be gone...if there are still some stains, repeat the cycle again.
90% of my clothes came out clean after doing this process ONE time. There were only two shirts that needed to be repeated through this entire cycle...and after the second, they were good as new!

I wish I had thought of taking a before and after picture of my clothes before writing this blog....sorry, I do not have any pictures for proof...but since I am a mother of five children, i'm sure this will not be the last episode of the "crayon saga".

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